Protimeter BLD8800 MMS2 Basic - MMS2 All-in-one Moisture Meter Instrument in Pouch

  • ManufacturerProtimeter
  • Product Code: BLD8800
  • Availability: Pre-Order

  • Rp0

Protimeter MMS2 Basic - MMS2 All-in-one Moisture Meter Instrument in Pouch

  • Pin moisture measurement
  • Non-invasive moisture measurement
  • Non-contact IR temperature measurement
  • Fast responding relative humidity and temperature measurement

The Protimeter MMS2 is the industry’s most advanced all-in-one moisture meter. Its ergonomic, 4-in-1 design allows one-handed operation to measure moisture on and below the surface as well as ambient air humidity. An infrared thermometer which calculates the difference between dew point and surface temperature, is just one of the many advances designed to assess moisture in new/refurbishing projects and help diagnose moisture-related problems in existing buildings.

The all new MMS2 represents the latest Protimeter technology in one intuitive, robust and fully functional design. If you’re surveying buildings, inspecting a home, drying a building after a flood, or testing concrete moisture for a flooring application, the MMS2 is the solution for you.


  • Full building moisture diagnostics on easy-to- use instrument
  • Fast responding hygrometer speeds up building surveys
  • No need to plug in multiple accessories

Four-In-One Moisture Measurement System

Measures moisture in wood and wood floors, drywall, concrete and concrete block, stucco, plaster, masonry and other building materials.


(pin mode) diagnoses the extent of moisture intrusion for damage assessment and monitor drying out of building structures.

  • Use built-in pin or plug in the heavy duty moisture probe for measuring in hard-to-reach areas
  • Use deep wall pin-type probes to measure moisture in walls, wall cavity insulation, sub and surface structures
  • Use accessories such as hammer probes to measure at depth

Humidity Probe Options

The MMS Plus may be used with three styles of interchangeable humidity probe, the Hygrostick, the Quikstick and the Quikstick ST. The Hygrostick (grey POL4750) can be used for high moisture applications such as concrete measurement. Quikstick (black POL8750) is a general purpose, fast-responding full range sensor.

Concrete Floor Moisture Measurement

MMS2 can be used for measuring equilibrium relative humidity directly in concrete slabs. Protimeter pioneered this more accurate method, which includes drilling holes in the concrete, inserting a humidity sleeve and measuring the equilibrium humidity in the concrete. If excessive moisture is found, simply replace the sleeve cap for future retesting. This method also permits normal construction without disturbing the test surface.

A small hole is drilled in the concrete. Next, a humidity sleeve is inserted and capped flush with the floor. The relative humidity of the air in the test hole is now at the same moisture level as the concrete around it. Flooring product manufacturers normally recommend RH readings between 75% and 85% depending on the permeability of the product being installed.

Readings from multiple Hygrosticks can be taken and recorded with ease. Humidity readings can be taken with the use of humidity sleeves or humidity box. Hygrosticks, not Humisticks, should be used for this test.

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Tags: Protimeter, Moisture Meter